After slc,i began my higher education in manimukunda college in Butwal. I cudnt secure higher marks in slc coz of my growing disability. Howevr,my desire 2 study hard wasnt fed up. I tried my best to do bettr in my collg study 2. I had alwez desired 2 study science bt i was alrady a tottering fellow,unable 2 support myself. So,principal sir sugg me 2 choose commerce. I undstood my circmstnces n thot i can also do betr in commerce. So,i chose commerce.
In my section, ther wer 45 stdnts. I hav alredy forgtttn their faces coz i nvr talkd wid dem.only i remembr da faces of vry few girls n boys. It was such dat my ears n legs wer weak. Anybody who talkd wid me has 2 repeat da words,so my friends got bored. I too don wanna disturb dem,so I was alwez quiet,nvr talking anythng n alwez readng a book. only i askd vry imp matters 2 my frn. I rqstd my principal sir 2 make me sit on da front bench & so I used2 sit in da front wid 2 of my galfrns. Sitting in da front,I cud concentrate on da teachr's lecture. Many,I wud undstnd. My ears cudnt catch only some of tchr's words. Hwevr,hw much I heard was enough 2 go on in my study.
Wen ther was n empty period,da whole class used 2 make noise. 2 frns sitting wid me also used 2 turn back n chat wid odars. I dint mind it, I stayd quiet ,opend my story book n focused on my own way. Later,it so happnd dat prncpl sir came in our class coz of xcessive noise. He told dat we should b dscplnd,altho we had left school,we should follow da rules in collg too. N he appointd a monitor 2 control our class like those back in school days. Hwevr,da noise was alwez out of control. 1 day,it so happnd dat it was n empty period,da whole class ws making noise. Dat moment,i took a liking 2 ask my frn 'Geetansu' abt her family. 2 my dismay,I had just began my qsn,da so calld stupid monitor thunderd from back-'Hey! aruna,keep quiet..'. Oh I ws badly irritated for he saw only me talking bt wat cud I do. I just kept quiet agen & da quietest aruna ws evr quietest agen.
Once it ws wintr morning,my dad escorted me upto da gate of my college.Den I ws walking towards my class by supporting on da walls.2my dismay,one of my legs hit a stone & I fell down. My legs got cramp,my head went dizzy n my hands were scratchd. 2my dismay,I fell down in front of boys. I ws badly embarrassed but doz guys helpd me stand up,took me 2 class n sedated. My whol body ws trembling,n i really felt agony in my heart dan in da physical body. I ws vry vry sad on dat day. I hardly concntrted in my study until da collg is over. I ws crying inside. I felt dat I wud burst in tears but I hold my tears. Aftr collg ws over,I returnd back home. N there I cried a lot in front of my parents. We hadnt gone 2 bigger ktm hspitals 4 my trtment coz of lack of money. Crying in tears I told my mom & dad '...I wont go collg until u get me treated in ktm..' Dat time my parents too got shockd & de managed 2 get me treatd in ktm by taking loan frm neibour. N da nxt mornng,me mom n dad set out 4 ktm.
bt 2 my dismay,da biggest n famous nervic hspital cudnt detect evn da slightest disease or my nerves,bones or brain. All da diagonis resulted normal & finally da dr. cudnt evn prscribe me a medicine. So,empty-handed & wid a sad heart,I returnd back 2 butwal aftr 1 week.
I ws still embarassd 2 attend my collg due 2 da incident bt m not da kinda prson 2 neglect my study. So I mustered up my courage n begin my collg days as usual.
Once our xam had just finishd & it was result day. Our eng teachr came n ws telling evry1 hw our prformance were. I ws just sitting in da front corner n quietly focusing my eye on da book. I wsnt hearing prprly. In da meantime,sir came in front of me n inquired 'rnt u Aruna?' I ws stunned. I thot I may hav done some big mistake on my paper,dats y tchr's calling my name. I stood up saying 's sir me aruna'.Den sir told me 2 sit down. Immediately,he told da whole class 'oh c has written da best answr..' Oh my god ! Ther ws a paragraph qsn in da paper which had a qsn 'y teenagers worry too much if de got pimples on their face?' & my ans ws 'pimples r natural,we shouldnt worry for our appearance but sud worry for our carreer or prsnality.' Such n ans of mine ws dclared da best by tchr. I wondrd y. Later,our nepali tchr came,he ws also talking abt xam. Soon,he told '...see aruna's a lttle weak dan u but see hw keen c's on grammar,u kno c havnt made evn a single mistake..' Oh my god npli sir also exalted me.hehe. I just smiled myself,a quiet n quiet smile.
Once our final xam ws near n dat day it ws our xtra class. All da 3 sections stdnts wer mingled up coz only few had attended. There our a/c tchr tought us abt 'reconciling error '.he tought us abt da 'underposting method' but asked us to solve n 'overposting prblm'. As it ws our rvision, I hadnt 4 gottn both methods. So I solved da prob wid another method. Aftr a minute,sir checkd all our deeds. Den he stood beside da blackboard n smiled-'...u guys all used da underposting method,hey i've actually gvn u da ovrposting method,u all did mistake but only aruna's solvd it right'. At da moment, da whol eyes turnd 2 me n there I was remaind all blushd.
Aftr 11's xam,anodr saddest incident took place in my life. I got failed 4 da 1st time evr in my life in da a/c subjct. I had solvd all da qsns nicely n I had my confidence dat I'll surely pass coz I ws nvr a failing stdnt.Dat rsult day hurtd me a lot,tears began2 roll down but my mom consold me-'Don cry dear,I kno u did ur best,u wer nvr careless in ur study.Da paper checker might hav done da mistake..' Principal sir ws also astonishd 4 finding out abt me but he encouragd me not 2 lose hope. He told me I can try agen nxt yr as da rechecking of my doz old paper ws imppossible.Later I did dat.I studied agen & gave my 12 xam wid da backd 1 too.Finally I ws passed.
As my disablility had grown worse n bigger hspitals wer only available in ktm,so my loving parnts made a big decision 4 my sake 2 sell all da proprties there n immigrate 2 ktm.
In ktm, I desired 2 study bachlor level.I askd my dad n he dint argue coz it ws my wish.I cant attend da class bt I thot I'd study myself 8 home n go take da xam once a yr. I did da same until bbs 2nd yr. But I got 3 potatoes in 3 sub although I had did my best. My handwrtng ws poor dan b4 but I took da final xam of bbs 2nd yr n also took da back 1s. But on da vry last day of my xam,it so hapnd dat i badly needed 2 giv a fullstop 2 my study.
My xam centre ws 8 pashupati college. Erlier I got da lowest room 2 take da xam bt dat time doz teachrs dint do me a favour.So I've 2 climb da five-storeyd buildng upto my class wid my dad holding my hand.I took all da xams bt on da final day,I climbd down all da stairs,bt wat a o'men,1 of my legs got badly cramp on da lowest n da last stair. I cudnt stand,so I sit on da floor 4 a while ,tears begin 2 fill my eyes as I ws in pain.Aftr some time,dad hired a taxi n I hardly walkd upto it n returnd back home.Since dat incident,I lost my desire 2 study more n I really put a fullstop 2 it.
But my desire of self study is nvr 8 fullstop.I lov books mor dan any odr material.Som of my rlativs argue seeing me readng or buying a new book.DE say-y2 buy such xpensiv book.Its btr u buy a nice cloth' haha bt I don say anythng 2 dem.I just smile. A quietest n quietest smile.:-) (To b continued