Hmm! From where should I begin? Okay, let me confess to the readers that as soon as the year 2020 begun, I have already started being frustrated or bored of my monotonous life. No wonder, I had found the meaning and purpose of my life after knowing Christ. In addition, I also had been successful as a writer who writes for the glory of God. But as it’s said that a man with an ever-desiring heart can never be fully content, I was also losing my contention upon my mere achievements. I was finding it monotonous to just keep on reading and writing and spend my life on it. I just wanted to do something more interesting other than my daily routine but I had no idea how to because I wasn’t accepted even in disability-related organization. When visited, the deaf organization, I would be suggested to go to the wheelchair-users’ and when visited the latter, I would be suggested to go to the deaf’s. I sadly realized I belonged nowhere and so; I really thought my life worthless enough to throw it on a trash-can despite knowing that God definitely has plans for me as well. So, I cried at my heart and implored the Lord, ‘Lord! I’m already fed-up from my life. I no longer want to live because I have nothing to do except writing for your glory. I know and am always ready to write for your glory till I breathe my last but Lord, I think only writing isn’t enough for your glory. So, please Lord, add some colors in my plain life if you want me to live more enthusiastically.’
Soon after praying like that, I got reassurance from God to keep on enjoying writing for his glory. This was after a devotional book, written by a severely paraplegic writer in Singapore, named Jacquelin Woe, fell upon my hand. I found her words reassuring and re-energizing that I finally wiped my discontent tears. But still after that, my life was colorless and I didn’t know how to get those colors.
It was just in the midst of the lockdown during the Covid pandemic. I found a Japanese YouTuber, Shuhei Kumagai, through my friend’s facebook post, was singing a Japanese song in Nepali sign language. I enjoyed the song coz it had nice English subtitles. I then sent him friend request doubting a lot if he’d really like to be my friend but to my surprise, he did accept my request soon. We chatted only a bit in the beginning and I think he soon forgot me because it’s definitely hard to be recognized as a special friend out of so many thousands of Facebook friends. Anyway, I kept on commenting on his YouTube channel and he recognized something different. And all the more, I once introduced myself on a comment that I’m a hard of hearing person and am also a writer. After knowing that, he probably had leapt with joy ‘EUREKA!’ because I later found out that he was going to launch a website for the welfare of both Japanese & Nepalese people with hearing loss and was searching for a Nepalese writer, fluent in English, with the same problem and who can write their stories in both languages. In addition, he would pay and help to earn (although it may be a little). Wow! That really collided with my longing for something new & appropriate and I too leapt with joy ‘EUREKA!’ for I have been always voluntarily writing stories of persons with disability, especially wheelchair-users but was actually jobless & worthless. I wondered if anybody would ever give me a job of writing & translation but I would laugh at myself with a satire, ‘Can there ever be such a job? And who would ever believe a person like you?’ But he believed, that too after reading only few of my articles. So, I thank God for I believe we found each other, not under a mere coincidence but truly under His amazing plan.
And so, soon afterwards our website, DEAF-SHIRU ( was launched with our joint writing & effort. While editing & translating his articles, I found out that this flower-boy had many inspirational contents for the website which truly touched my heart. Since then, our members are growing and we hope to expand it more with more members & sponsors worldwide. I have collected & written six stories from Nepal and he has collected & written nine stories from Japan so far and all of those stories are heart-touching stories of people suffering from hearing loss. In fact, I had doubted if this flower-boy is really serious but I certainly found out that he is truly a boy with a big selfless dream. In short, the founder has made my life colorful & meaningful through DEAF-SHIRU.
Furthermore, after few months of the launching of the website, he got a nice project opportunity from his Iwate university to shoot two videos of Nepalese persons with disability. When he talked about this with me and asked me to recommend some talented friends of mine with disability, I was going to recommend two of my artist friends. He okayed one of them and then surprisingly asked myself to be another protagonist for the video. Hearing that, I laughed my belly out because I never thought myself deserving to appear on any video for, I’m actually clumsy due to my disability and I felt it would be like ‘a monkey dance’ if I appeared on a video. I had watched few of my self-recorded videos on my smartphone and didn’t like my own appearance. So, I would laugh out and delete them as soon as after watching them. I told him this and kindly refused his offer but to my surprise, he was determined to persuade me anyhow because he totally believed I deserve to be included in his project. After he told me that I could be an inspiration to other persons with disabilities, I finally agreed. As a result, there was produced a YouTube video about me entitled ‘living with multiple disability’. I obviously felt nervous and was surely clumsy in the video but still, that came out nice and I couldn’t stop being grateful to Shu-chan, videographer, editor and most of all to God, the Almighty.
All the more, recently on the happy new year, 1 January 2023, Shu-chan and another DEAF-SHIRU’s member Makiko Yamamoto visited me and stayed for a day at my home. It was a great happy day for me. I had actually feared they would feel inconvenient at my poor home but they happily bored the discomfort here. Those prince & princess, born with silver spoon on their mouth must have experienced an eye-popping surprise in my house.
Let me share some precious moments about Shu-chan’s visit at my home;
1. I was glad to find him all smiling & friendly in reality too & not only on youtube for I know many people put a fake smile only on videos. I had met two Japanese in Pokhara who were rarely smiling and on top of that, I had also heard that ‘Japanese rarely smile.’ So, I thought it might be true but to my surprise, I found Shu-Chan the opposite, a great candid man.
2. It was really funny to see Shu-chan dropping his jaw twice & Mako-chan shutting it when he panicked after hearing me say that we don’t use the electric heater during night.
3. I felt fortunate to be able to hear his sweet voice despite my hearing loss. He has the American accent in his pronunciation.
4. It was more pleasing when he pinched my cheeks saying ‘your skin is nice’ as if I’m a little girl (when I’m like his granny by age, he’s 11 yrs. younger than me). To tell the truth, nobody has ever pinched my cheeks lovingly as he did. In return, I did also stroke his cheeks saying ‘your skin is much nicer than mine.’
5. It was giggly when he asked my bro how many times to use the bucket-water to flush the toilet. I was gonna tell him but he inquired even before I could tell. Did he realize, how poorly we live?
6. It was fun to see him tasting a bit of corn mush & chewing it instead of swallowing it. He must have panicked to know that Nepalese swallow the mush & it must have stuck between his teeth after chewing.
7. It was so considerate & loving to see Mako-chan signing and telling me not to cry after they left. I replied, ‘No, I won’t cry coz I do have a big heart and I’ll cherish these moments for the rest of my life.
8. It was fun when he mistakenly used JSL (Japanese Sign Language) with me forgetting that I don’t understand JSL and I mistakenly spoke Nepali with him forgetting that he isn’t a Nepalese.
9. All the more, I was glad to hand him the Holy Bible when he asked me for it himself. The Father must have put the desire for His Words in his heart. Hallelujah!
Before concluding, let me tell about a miracle which God recently did for him. On 1st Jan 2023 morning at 8:30, Mako-chan messaged me that he had caught a fever & stomach-ache and might not come to visit me but only she would come. I felt so sad and feared his Nepal trip might go ruined. I wondered what to do for a moment? Immediately I prayed, ‘Lord! Plz heal Shu-chan and make him visit my home. Also plz let him be healthy all round his Nepal trip.’ After 2 hrs of my prayer, I got his message, ‘we are coming to your home.’ Then, I got so happy & thanked God (for He worked through the medicine he took). I really felt God laid His hands upon him and that He wants him to know Him. Amen!
Oh, wait! I was just about to wrap-up this article but I remembered that I forgot to share another God’s blessing which I received through Shu-chan. My laptop was very old, second-hand windows-7 with dead battery which could run only when there was electricity due to which always had to stop writing during power-cut. I was wishing to buy a new laptop but my chump savings could never reach the amount needed to buy the expensive gadget. So, I was trying to be okay using the grey-haired laptop but surely God knew my innermost desire. I knew He’s the God of providence but I didn’t actually ask Him for a laptop in my prayer because I knew I shouldn’t be greedy. I didn’t tell anyone about my need but wow, one day, Shu-chan himself asked me about the condition of my laptop and if I needed a new one? I honestly answered him everything but didn’t ask him to provide for me because he was still a student back then. Then and there, he planned himself actually to provide me his own MacBook as a surprise gift. Well, he didn’t tell me his intentions right then but asked me to provide him the Facebook ID of my own brother saying that he had something to do with him and also that I’m not allowed to inquire him about it for the time being. I wondered why for a moment but soon forgot it. A week after this, as soon as I woke up in the morning, my brother surprisingly told me that Shuhei-san sent me a MacBook as a surprise gift through a Japanese tourist. Oh! My heart leapt with joy. I found out that was the reason for befriending my bro and I happily thanked Shu-chan for his surprise gift.
Soon after this, I happened to think about others, especially hard of hearing persons like me, that if they could also get second-hand laptops through DEAF-SHIRU, that would be a great social work of our organization because I knew that there are many poor and needy friends like me for whom getting even a second hand laptop can be far more than ecstasy. I then shared my concept with him about which he reacted very positively and he very soon contacted with the head of another laptop donating organization who also reacted positively upon Shu-chan’s proposal. As a result, we were successful in donating five laptops to HOH friends so far and we hope to continue to do so in the future too.
By the way, I got so ecstatic while writing this article that I ended up creating a haiku for the first time which is as follows;
A HAIKU dedicated to him;
One among millions.
He’s my warm and cutest brother.
An angel sent by God!
He’s a flower-boy,
With ever-shining beams of smile.
Diamond among gems!
He dreams high, big aim.
Fujiyama seems shorter.
God always bless him!
Finally, as the Holy Bible says to always rejoice in the Lord, so far, I’m doing so despite my fluctuating emotions. However, I am at cloud nine and rejoicing more than before all because of the colors from DEAF-SHIRU and I wish my rejoice may remain till the end just as my faith endureth forever. TO HIM BE THE GLORY FOREVER AND FOREVER!
He: My grandmother calls me Shu-chan.
Me: Then, i'll also call you so, ok?
He: Oh no, there should be big age gap.
Me: There certainly is. Think me as your Nepali granny.
He: LOL!