Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3rd phase

Life isnt pleasant 4 me 8 all.however i try 2 console n encourage myself seeing da life of doz inspirational handicappeds.n i wish i was also like dem so that i wud b remembrd even aftr my deth.a meaningful life,i wud want 2 live but its tru dat my life's no better dan da life of a living corpse. However my soul awakens me n makes me gather some strength. Im so introvertive dat i can hardly speak out my heart but i can write dem all n so m writing.
I wonder y god gives birth 2 da handicappeds like us ?but de r da unique flowers created by god,i admit..da real hellen keller's life has affected me so deeply dat i simply longd 2 b like her,a famous writer. i kno many disables hav showd da power of their pen.i 2 surely wana show da ability of my pen. all day sitting on my bed n brooding a lot. my innermost soul alwez urge me-'write write !'. m writing novels,stories,poems.i wish evry1 likd dem.i just don want 2 live a life only eating, sleeping n sitting. my desire 2 live a meaningful life was alwez clingd 2 my heart since my childhood n it hasnt still fed up.
Louis braille was himself a bliind but he dscoverd braille scripture 4 da blind. Had there b no birth of him,da whole blinds wud hav suffered a lot.even hellen keller wud hav nevr been able 2 read n write. N have u heard abt graham bell?da dscoverer of telephone cud never use da telephone 2 communicate himself.y? bcoz hhe was a totally deaf.o god! how amazing !A deaf dscovrd da listening machine.
another inspiratinal 1 is Nick Vujicic.he has no limbs at all,only a small toe beneath. he preaches da gospel evrywer. watching his video nearly made me burst in church's pastor sir displayed me his video n told not 2 lose hope wen m quiet a lot better dan him.then there's PARIJAT,da famous nepali literatuate.i wish 2b like her someday.c is a gret inspiration 2me. Not only dis, jhamak ghimire is also here living among us n inspiring evry 1. A prson wid vry weak hands n legs,suffering wid cerebral palsy, who can imagine dat such a prson can write so deeply.o how amazing n how heart-piercing. i searchd on da google abt her. I was alone in my room n reading her life story n seeing her foto writing wid leg really made me cry. tears rolled down my cheeks n i wishd god blessd her even more dan me.i wish i met her someday.n i wud like 2 share da gospel wid her.
when i watched da hindi movie'black'. it really touchd my heart dat after da movie ,my eyes were all swollen n red.i simply cant understand da reason.da more i brood, da more it seems complicated.yet i hope i can also make a difference in dis world.
Nwang sherpa n Tom whittaker r da inspirational 1 who scaled da everest wid artificial leg. Now wat, there's nothing left wich a handicapped cant do, i admit..Now my frenz plz pray 4me dat i may also touch da sky. Inspired by Harry Potter,i've written a novel but dunno how 2 publish it coz i know no1 around me who can really help.But i havent lose hope.
TOUCH THE SKY... [to b continued...]
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